General Expectations of Board Service (applies to all Board members).
- Must be a Fellow member of AAPA
- To be an effective board member for APAO, attendance at BOD and committee meetings is critical. Board members should attend at least 80% of all regularly scheduled meetings, including committee meetings to which they are assigned during the leadership year.
- The Board generally has twice yearly in-person meetings, monthly pre-scheduled virtual meetings, and quarterly membership meetings.
- Monthly board committee meetings are typically scheduled at the beginning of the leadership year and convened when needed.
- Board members are expected to strongly advocate for APAO’s mission, vision, and strategic goals and are frequently called upon to support strategic initiatives actively.
a) Members of the BOD shall:
i. Abide by all rules and regulations of the association (including but not limited to APAO’s Bylaws and policies); always obey all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations; and provide or cause to provide full cooperation of the APAO to uphold the law. ii. Ensure that their membership in APAO and AAPA always remains current. iii. Conduct the business affairs of APAO in good faith and with honesty, integrity, due diligence, and reasonable competence. iv. Exercise proper authority and good judgment, and act responsibly, respectfully, and professionally in their dealings with APAO’s members, staff, partners, and the public. v. Perform assigned duties professionally and on time according to the BOD's direction and oversight. vi. Act in the best interest of APAO and not for personal or third-party gain or financial enrichment. vii. Prioritize service on the BOD above other volunteer roles and, upon election to the BOD, meet with the APAO President to discuss transitioning out of preexisting APAO volunteer role(s), if any.
b) Members of the BOD shall not:
i. Use any information provided by APAO or acquired because of service to APAO in any manner other than carrying out BOD duties. ii. Misuse APAO property or resources and will always keep APAO's property secure and not allow any person not authorized by the BOD to have or use such property. iii. Persuade or attempt to persuade any employee of APAO to leave the employ of APAO or to become employed by any person or entity other than APAO. iv. Persuade or attempt to persuade any member, exhibitor, advertiser, sponsor, subscriber, supplier, contractor, or any other person or entity with an actual or potential relationship to or with APAO to terminate, curtail, or not enter into its relationship to or with APAO, or to, in any way, reduce the monetary or other benefits to APAO of such relationship.
BOD Position
One year*
Immediate Past President
One year*
One year*
Two years
Two years
Two years+
Two years+
Student Director
One year
Chief Clinical Director (non-voting member)
By contract
*The President position is a three-year commitment of volunteer leadership – serving one year each as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President.
+Director-at-Large positions are elected on alternating years.
Roles and Responsibilities of BOD Officers.
- President. The President position is a three-year commitment of volunteer leadership – serving one year as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President. The President is the elected volunteer leader of APAO and designated chair of the BOD. They serve as the primary spokesperson for APAO. In concert with the other officers of the BOD, the President oversees the implementation of corporate policies and bylaws. The President reports to the APAO members. The President shall:
- Serve as chair of the BOD.
- Preside over all meetings of the BOD and business meetings of the organization.
- Develop BOD meeting agendas, maintain order, and set up forums for discussion in consultation with the Executive Director to ensure the coordination and efficient conduct of the BOD's work.
- Work with directors and officers to identify and assign specific projects and tasks that further the work of the BOD.
- Make a full report of the year’s activities at the organization’s annual meeting.
- Appoint the chairs and members of BOD committees, work groups, and task forces after consultation with the President-Elect and Immediate Past President, and, in the case of the BOD’s Audit and Finance tasks, the Secretary and/or Treasurer.
- If the outgoing Immediate Past President cannot serve, appoint the Board’s representative to the Nominating Committee after consultation with the President-Elect and Immediate Past President.
- Serve on the following BOD committees:
- Advocacy
- Nominating
- Communication
- At their discretion, attend/observe any BOD committee, BOD work group, BOD task force or APAO commission, work group, or task force meeting or conference call conducted.
- Communicate regularly with the BOD.
- Mentor the President-Elect.
- Assist in Board member orientation
- President-Elect. The President position is a three-year commitment of volunteer leadership – serving one year as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President. The President-Elect is an officer of APAO and succeeds to the office of President at the expiration of the President's term, or earlier, should that office become vacant for any reason. The President-Elect shall:
- Prepare to assume the office of the BOD President
- Preside at BOD meetings in the absence of the President
- Fill any BOD President vacancy that occurs for the remainder of that term and their expected term as President
- Assist the President in the execution of the President’s duties.
- Provide consultation to the President in appointing BOD committee, work group or task force members and chairs and APAO commissions, work group, task force members, and chairs.
- Provide consultation to the president in appointing the Board’s Representative to the Nominating Committee if the outgoing Immediate Past President cannot serve.
- Serve on the following BOD committees:
- Advocacy
- Membership
- Corporate Alliance Program
- Provide a report at the organization’s Spring meeting on the plans and recommendations for the year in which they assume the office of President.
- Perform other duties as requested by the President.
- Assist in Board member orientation
- Immediate Past President. The President position is a three-year commitment of volunteer leadership – serving one year as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President. The Immediate Past President is an officer of APAO, assuming the position after serving as President. The Immediate Past President shall:
- Assist the president in the execution of the president’s duties.
- Provide consultation to the President in appointing BOD committee, work group or task force members and chairs, APAO commission, work group, task force members and chairs.
- Provide consultation to the President in appointing the Board’s representative to the Nominating Committee if the outgoing Immediate Past President cannot serve.
- Serve on the following BOD committees:
- Nominating (chair)
- Perform other duties as requested by the President
- Following service on the BOD, serve for two years as a Board Appointee on the Nominating Committee.
- Secretary. The Secretary is an officer of APAO who ensures that the actions of the BOD are documented. The Secretary shall:
- Ensure minutes and other documentation of all BOD meetings are maintained.
- Ensure a written or electronic copy of the BOD meeting minutes is provided to the BOD within two business days.
- Ensure APAO complies with corporate and statutory reporting requirements
- Monitor BOD member terms and annual elected positions
- Responsible for overseeing all organizational communications and shall see that all meeting notifications are available to members in conjunction with the Executive Director.
- Serve on the following BOD committees:
- Education
- Communication
- Assist in Board member orientation
- Treasurer. The Treasurer is an APAO officer responsible for overseeing accurate accounts of APAO’s properties and funds, including cash, outstanding advances, investments, accounts receivable and other assets, accounts payable, and fund balances [net assets]. The Treasurer shall:
- Ensure an annual APAO budget is prepared and considered by the BOD.
- Ensure accurate books and records on APAO’s financial position are maintained.
- Ensure comprehensive financial reports to the BOD are prepared in a timely and accurate manner
- Give a full report of AAPA’s financial status at the annual HOD and membership meetings
- Serve on the following BOD committees:
- Awards and Scholarships
- Conference Planning
- Assists in Board member orientation
- Director-at-Large. The Director-At-Large is an officer of APAO who must participate fully in the work of the BOD and contribute constructively to its deliberations. The Director-At Large shall:
- Prepare for and participate in meetings/calls of the BOD.
- Serve or chair the following BOD committees:
- Membership
- Community Oncology
- Student Outreach
- Community Oncology
- Represent the BOD to external organizations as requested.
- Perform other duties as requested by the President
- Assist in Board member orientation
BOD Attendance Policy.
To be an effective BOD member for APAO, attendance at BOD and committee meetings is critical. The BOD Attendance Policy is intended to support the full contribution of all BOD members.
- BOD members should attend at least 80% of all regularly scheduled meetings, including committee meetings to which they are assigned during the fiscal year.
- The attendance or absence of a BOD member shall be noted in the official BOD or committee meeting minutes.
- BOD members should be present and participating for the entirety of a meeting. In the event of any noteworthy period of absence during the meeting (50% of the meeting or more), the President may mark the member “absent” in the official meeting minutes.
- A BOD member shall notify the President if they are unable to attend a meeting. Such notice should be received prior to the time of the meeting.
- If a BOD attendance problem exists, the President will promptly contact the BOD member to resolve the matter.
AAPA House of Delegates
The House of Delegates (HOD) articulates the shared values, beliefs, and professional wisdom of PAs from all corners of the greater AAPA community. Made up of representatives from AAPA’s constituent organizations (i.e. APAO) and Student Academy, the HOD enacts policies and position statements on behalf of the profession. Elected delegates have an effective voice in Academy activities by:
- Making recommendations to the AAPA Board of Directors.
- Submitting formal resolutions through the procedures outlined by the House officers.
- Participating in open reference committee hearings conducted at the HOD meeting, held during AAPA’s Annual Conference.
- Volunteering as a member of a reference committee, researching and reporting on the resolutions and testimony received.
The AAPA HOD representative for APAO shall:
- Attend the annual HOD meeting and represent APAO accordingly.
- Be familiar with AAPA initiatives, policies, and guidelines.
- Educate APAO’s BOD on AAPA initiatives and items needing votes or statements of support.
- Represent the mission, beliefs, and goals of APAO.
- Adhere to the BOD attendance policy.
AAPA’s liaison to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
The ideal candidate is an AAPA member who will have demonstrated the ability to develop relationships, assertively address issues with physicians and medical organizations, and have a track record of securing physician support for PA issues. This PA will have an excellent working relationship with AAPA leaders and have extensive clinical experience. They will be well-versed in and supportive of AAPA’s strategic plan and policy positions, particularly optimal team practice and title change. They will understand trends in healthcare, the US political landscape, clinical issues, and policies and sensitivities of the national medical organization. The liaison is expected to:
- Attend one in-person meeting a year of the national medication organization.
- Participate in yearly liaison conference calls.
- Submit a report after attending an in-person meeting.
- Adhere to the BOD attendance policy.
Student Representative
The Student Representative represents the voice of PA students across the country. The Student Representative embraces APAO’s mission with a focus on student-oriented engagement, professional development, and advocacy. The Student Representative shall:
- Serve on the following BOD committees:
- Student Outreach
- Membership
- Adhere to the BOD attendance policy.